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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We're moving...

... to the Philippines!

The company my boyfriend works for asked him if he would be interested in working in their Manila office - so we're going! He'll be heading over in a couple of months and I'll join him once I finish with uni in November. We'll be living there for two years!

It won't be my first time living in Asia. When I was still a teeny tiny toddler, my family moved to Indonesia where my dad was principal of a lovely little international school for two years. We loved it so much that a few years later, when I was nine, we moved to Brunei for three years. I have such great memories of both of these experiences, so I'm very excited about embarking on my own adventure with James. I will admit to being a bit nervous about doing this as a 'responsible' adult! Moving to a new country is a lot easier when you only have to choose which toys to take and let your parents organise the rest.

The exciting part for me is that I am looking at this as my big chance to really develop my business. With visas being tricky to organise, I won't be able to get a 'real job' in Manila and with the cost of living being so much lower than Sydney, we can afford to live on one salary. I'll be lucky enough to be able to work full time on doing what I love - designing and making clothes and bags. Watch this space!


Sarah Vosper said...

WOWZERS! Hope it all goes well, sounds so exciting!! : )

Josie said...

What a GREAT adventure to take on!
xo Josie

Oh to Be a Muse said...

Wow! That's pretty awesome. I would love to live in another country for 2-3 years. I think you'll love the experience even more this time around because you are an adult now.